Friday, 14 August 2015

Thing 7 - Podcasts

Confession time - I don't think I'm really a podcast kind of person.

I'm realising that I'm really quite visual.  I want to see images on my social media and I want to see images to go along with what I'm hearing.  It shouldn't surprise me as the only time I listen to the radio is in the car and I use music as a background mostly.

We haven't used podcasts though we did consider it at one point when we were looking into an online book group but found our council website too restrictive to use it.

I found Circulating Ideas really interesting and will check back regularly.  My experience of podcasts or at least of audio is mainly in history and archives.  I use SCRAN quite a lot with class visits and love the audio clips of oral history.  I can see how we maybe could use it to share some of the rhymes and songs we use for Bookbug sessions that parents don't know as well though I've shared some rhymes on YouTube from Bookbug sessions already and still think that would be my preferred medium.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    I felt exactly like that about podcasts, and a good way-in for me was when I found video podcasts online. After getting used to what the speakers looked like, I then found that I was more than happy to listen to audio-only podcasts after a while. I think the key to getting into listening to podcasts is finding one that you like, no matter what the subject matter. Then, you will start to enjoy it and look for podcasts on different topics too.

    Happy podcast hunting!

    The Rudai23 Team
