Monday, 3 August 2015

Networking in a hangout!

As you can tell from the title I'm combining posts a bit here!

So to Google first.  I think librarians have a love/hate relationship with Google.  It's soul destroying when people just type a question into Google and think that's all they have to do to get an answer.  The thing is, we all do it too - can any of us really say we don't?

I've been with Google from very early on - I've had my gmail account since you had to be invited to have one.  I've used it extensively for work and embraced all the different adaptations so I use Google Drive, Google Forms and Google Docs and have used it to transfer work photos getting round the ever present barriers put in the way by our IT department (who still seem incapable of understanding that a public library is not an office!)  Recently Hangouts have been really handy as my brother has been working in Jamaica so we've been able to keep in touch that way rather than Skype.  I have Google+, I rarely use it as I find Facebook far more user friendly and just more popular and I really wouldn't be surprised if it disappears at some stage.

Online Networks
Since I've already mentioned it, I'll start with Facebook.  I have to put my hands up here and say that I reckon I'm a bit of a Facebook addict.  I've been on it for years and mainly had a policy of only being friends with people I'd actually met.  For many years I used it to keep in touch with people I already knew.  All well and good.  In November 2013 a seismic event occured and I had a baby.  As a first time mum who had been used to going to work full time and speaking to adults who had conversations back being at home was a scary experience.  I quickly found a group of like-minded individuals in women who'd also given birth around that time and there are now 170 of us in a group with around 70 of us regularly active.  It's been a lifesaver.  That experience of a group has also encouraged me to branch out and join groups for work purposes so it's been useful all round.
I also updated our Library Service Facebook page posting pictures of events, activities and general information.  We don't use it to the best of our ability and we really do need to improve on what we do so I'll be keeping a close eye out for any tips along the way.

I'm also on Twitter, personally and as our library service.  I have lists and join conversations personally and have done through our work account as well.  I like Twitter, I find out about lots of local events and news I wouldn't otherwise.  I've tweeted at a few CILIPS conferences and enjoyed joining the conversation about sessions I've been attending.  I never seem to be around for LibChat so I'm hoping I'll be able to take part in the Rudai23 chat.


  1. I am definitely guilty of Googling questions, oops. I should know better but I can't help it. I think it's natural to want to get answers immediately and easily. If only everything was that simple... Actually it's probably a good thing it isn't because we'd all be out of work. By the way, you're not alone, I am a Facebook addict too. Oops again! :)

  2. Hi

    I was sure that I had commented on this post, but it seems to have disappeared. Maybe you could confirm if you saw a reply on here from me already, please.

    I think Google comes down to a decision between convenience and accuracy. Too often, in my case, convenience wins out and I will type a question into Google simply because I'm sitting on front of my computer rather than heading down to the academic library for a journal or article search.

    The Rudai23 Team

  3. I hadn't seen a reply Wayne, I'll keep an eye out for any further gremlins in case it's the blog!
