Monday, 10 August 2015

Reflective Practice

I really enjoyed the reflective week.  I liked having the time to sit back, look at other blogs and find out who else was taking part and what they were saying.

From the blogs I had a chance to view I've learned a few things:

  • Some people have far better looking blogs than me - the fact that I want mine to look better because of this says more about me than them!  Looking into improving the look and feel of my blog is one more thing for the to do list...
  • Quite a few of us have similar feelings towards social media - do I want to put myself "out there", do I really need any more accounts, is this a new craze or will it last, how can this help me in my job?  I'm enjoying the chance to find new tools I might be able to use and I'm being choosy over wheich ones I want to sign up to, we all seem to be doing our own version of vetting a service for us personally.
  • Some people have shared some great links or good articles and I've really enjoyed searching them out.  I've done a bit of reading around the subject of social media myself and am currently absorbing all I can from the brilliant Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick - I've borrowed mine from the library but you can buy it here - or use their great resources.  It's a really enjoyable quick guide to what works for various different platforms.
What Thing 6 didn't let me do was catch up - so I'm off to look into podcasts and video now!


  1. Hi,

    Looks like you've been busy reflecting and browsing around other blogs: that's great! It's good to read that you have found some interesting bits and pieces, and that you have seen that your feelings about social media and "getting out there" are common amongst other bloggers.

    The Rudai23 Team

  2. I think that's been one of the most reassuring and interesting aspects - we're all learning and no matter what area we're in many of us have similar feelings.
