Saturday, 3 October 2015

Thing 16 Collaboration Tools

I like Google Drive, I use it a lot for editing documents in different places and I like that I have access to it wherever I go.  It was really useful in working on my chartership when I had no printer at home.

I have also used Doodle personally to organise meet ups with friends when we needed to organise the best time and location for a number of people.

Over the years I've used google drive (or docs as was) to collaborate with others a few times and I've found it really useful to be able to work together without being in the same room.  I previously took part in the Scottish Goverment Library's 10 things course which shares all documents via collaboration tools.  I was also seconded for a term to a local secondary school and was able to see the classes use Google for education to great effect.

I do have a caveat to this though, I'm able to use collaboration tools because I do so from home.  Colleagues who wanted to take part in the 10 things course were unable to do so due to unreliable broadband at home and a refusal from our council IT department to make Google Drive available on our corporate network for security reasons.  I do believe we could use these tools very successfully in the workplace but we're currently unable to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    You've come across an interesting barrier from the IT department, and also the fact that broadband is not yet ubiquitous. Otherwise, it's great to hear about how useful Google Docs/Drive has been for you.

    The Rudai23 Team.
